Feedback from Kathleen

September 26th, 20125:42 pm @


Here is what Kathleen, one of our detoxees, is saying about her detox so far.
“I am definitely experiencing the “healing crisis,” as in ALL of the symptoms listed below 🙂
But the good news is that I feel so much better than the first 2 days.  That headache was a monster!!!  And it was continuous for 48 hours!  It’s so crazy to think what caffeine (and everything else) does to the body…  I also thought that it was really interesting that I literally started detoxing the day after the colon hydrotherapy – or the day that I started the detox.  It was almost immediate and I couldn’t believe it!Anyway, now I’ve got to get rid of these cold-like symptoms (stuffy nose and chest, cough, sore throat).  I’m really hoping they’ll go away soon.  I’ll keep you posted!!”
